Truth Hack - Marcie Turoff Face of Mosaic Collective

Posted by Admin Friday, August 14, 2009

New article from Truth Hack

Here’s a hypothetical for you. Say you’re the head of a new government Task Force, which requires the direct and voluntary involvement of, say, roughly seven billion people. How do you convince these people to share their personal stories, not only with you, but also with the entire world?

That’s the nightmare question that faced the Mosaic Collective in the wake of the GBO. Their solution? Enlist the best and the brightest to spearhead the effort. In this case, that meant Intelligence Analyst, Marcie Turoff.

We’ve seen Marcie Turoff in action, interviewing people at Comic-Con and on the promos for the soon-to-be launched, Mosaic Collective Website. She’s a young, attractive and level-headed woman, the one calling for calm and reassuring us that “together, we have a future.”

Clearly, Turoff is a great spokesperson for the Mosaic Collective. Young, brilliant, and a dynamic speaker; she possesses all the skills necessary to rally a global audience behind Mosaic’s cause. In the short time since the GBO, she’s managed to collect stories from people of all walks of life – from Midwestern grandmothers to Tibetan monks. And she’s just getting started.

There are very few things we actually know about Turoff, though one thing stands out. Those who find Turoff’s face familiar may remember her image from the front cover of news magazines as a 16-year old, when she became the second youngest person ever to win a national chess championship. (Bobby Fischer was the youngest.) Even now, at 26, to be working the Mosaic Collective at this level clearly indicates the hallmarks of a child prodigy. Her background as a chess player is also likely to come in handy as she searches for patterns among people’s shared visions.

Exactly how the Mosaic Collective uses Turoff when it finally goes online remains to be seen. But right now — without any official online presence, logos or branding – Marcie Turoff is the Mosaic Collective. This helps everyone. When Turoff asks us, “What did you see?” it seems like genuine, basic human curiosity and concern. You’re compelled to share your story with her.

All of which means, Marcie Turoff may just turn out to be the Mosaic Collective’s greatest asset yet.

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